Finding Agents

fiding-agentsAs you are well aware, the most frustrating thing in publishing is trying to get an agent—the right agent—to sell your book to a publisher. It is one way to try to turn your book into a best seller. Unfortunately, 99% of all authors are turned down by literary agents because they don’t know what agents are looking for.

Arbor Services has held seminars with some of the best-known literary agencies in the country, who have divulged their insider secrets.

They revealed:

The 5 mistakes first-time authors typically make.
How to stay out of the “slush pile” and stand out from other writers.
What 7 key elements agents look for in a query letter.
Where to find—and MEET—agents.
Why the first 3 pages of your manuscript are so important.
How to land a contract with a major publisher.

We have taken that information and crafted 4 different services for you:

1. Pitch/Query Letter ($1,500): we can create a top-quality query letter and then send it on to agents and publishers under your name.

2. Book Proposal ($3,500): if you already have a manuscript or a book, we can create a formal book proposal for you. It will include:

  • A title page and table of contents.
  • A general overview/summary including subject, blurb, topics to be dealt with, projected word count, projected completion date and how it will be written or compiled.
  • Your background and promotional skills.
  • Market potential, including target audience (demographics and statistics of potential readers) and secondary markets.
  • The need for the book and how it is different from others.
  • Publicity and promotional opportunities.
  • Your platform.
  • Advance praise for the book (from endorsers, reviews, etc.).
  • The competition assessment.
  • An outline.
  • A chapter-by-chapter summary.
  • Sample chapters.
  • A sample press kit.

3. Bound Galley ($1,500): if you have a manuscript, we can create what is known in the publishing trade as a bound galley, which is a mockup of a production book used to 1) entice agents, publishers and Hollywood producers with a beautiful book rather than a manuscript,and 2) get endorsements and prepublication reviews. This serviceincludes 10 bound galleys.